Amrit Nagi headshot

Amrit Nagi

Senior HCD Designer in London


Working at CGI as a Senior HCD consultant wearing multiple hats helping a team modernise our IP products.

  • UI/UX Designer (Using Tailwind CSS / designing in the browser)
  • Front end Developer (Vue.js)
  • Automated Testing (Vitest / Cypress)
  • Documentation / Design System (Vitepress)
  • Accessibility first (WCAG, NVDA, Wave, Lighthouse)
  • Mentoring developers/IP students (Vue and UX)
  • and much much more...


Worked at CGI (via Logica) since 2004 as a graduate and have worked across the entire project lifecycle:

2020 - present

Senior UI/UX Consultant


2009 - 2020

Technical Implementation Consultant


2004 - 2009

Business Analyst


2004 - 2006

Technical / Infrastructure Support


1999 - 2003

BSc Computer Science & Management Science

University of Edinburgh

Side Hustles

Tailwind Toolbox

Directory of handy templates, UI kits, generators and tools to kick start your Tailwind CSS project.


Cycle through emoji's to help you come up with a name for your next brand, product or startup!

Thanks for reading!

Use the links at the top to get in touch and maybe we can work together on something?

There's more to come, as I'm still working through the Svelte tutorial!